You are welcome to the Alumni Relations, Advancement & Endowment Unit, Office of the Provost of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos. The Unit is domiciled in the Medilag Alumni Centre Building donated by Access Bank which was commissioned on May 5, 2010. The Unit is under the Office of the Provost. It plays a distinct role of connecting, developing and sustaining close ties with the College Alumni and their alma mater after graduation. This is done through newsletter publication, invitation to events, uploading relevant information to College Social media, Website and E-mails addresses of the Alumni. The Unit maintains up-to-date records of all Alumni on its database for correspondence purposes.
The Unit also performs advancement role for the College through gift solicitation from philanthropic individuals, Corporation and other potential donors and stakeholders. Friends and Alumni of the College also institute endowment funds in the field of their choice in tenured or perpetuity terms. The Office is overseen by an Administrative Head under the oversight of the Administrative Head in the Office of the Provost.
For any enquiry or to receive our regular updates kindly send your details including your functional E-mail address to: cmulalumni@cmul.edu.ng
Alumni Relations Officer/Unit Head

Executive Officer